Friday, March 19, 2010


hey everyone!!!!

i just want to let everyone know that i appreciate you following me and reading my blog. i know i have been slacking like really majorly but it seems lately i have nothing interesting or worth posting because i like to keep it positive. but all in all i love you guys for being inspiring to me.

right now i am simply exhausted with school, people, and just overall life.

i feel a little empty because i am at that point in life where i really don't know exactly whats next and nothing has been shown to me. i just feel like i am just living in a moment with nothing to aspire to. i find myself second guessing alot and i am just at a place of uncertainty. i do not like this feeling at all.

i was reading OH MY GOSH!'s blog today and she was saying that you need to just be patient and everything will work out in God's time. i know this is true but i know that maybe i am not doing what i need to do to the highest potential. i am sick of rejection. the more rejection i get the more harder it feels to keep trying and going.

grad school is a possibility but i need a break from school. i know that i am capable of getting my Master's but mentally my mind needs to relax and figure out my passions and what i really want to do professionally because i simply have no clue. i think if i go to grad school i need to surely know what i want to do. some possible options are health care administration and education. i love helping people, great listener, enjoy the arts, love writing and sharing ideas, etc. so i need something that will fulfill those needs.

people tell me constantly what they feel is best for me and yes i listen and take it in consideration. i appreciate that because that lets me know that there are people out here that want to see me prosper and succeed but i am just looking for the fight to want it for myself. i need a sign.

i just had to vent a little....

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