Friday, May 6, 2016

Let's Talk: It's time to MOVE

As my birthday approaches (Sunday, May 8th - Mother's Day!), I am of course excited yet unsure about what life will bring. As I grow older birthdays have become a reminder of my past accomplishments and all the things I want to accomplish in the new year. BUT I want to change this mindset up this year. I want better and something new.

Reminder: In order to see different results, it requires something deeper and different from me.

I want to change the mindset of dwelling on the past and get moving because I am realizing that this does not allow me to really live in the moment and appreciate the gift of living. Yes God wants you to press towards the mark. However he does not want you to be consumed. I am created in Free-Dom!!! (Read 2 Corinthians 3:17)

Being consumed only brings me back to overthinking and being stuck. Yet, living in the moment sparks the opportunity to live life in freedom and not in fear of the outcome. I am making a public challenge to myself to take risks (not planned) and allow God to work. I have tried to control everything. Trying (and I do mean trying because I always fail/crash) to control everything leaves you exhausted and overwhelmed.

Being exhausted, overwhelmed, and worse depressed stunts movement. It is my time to MOVE!

I know I am not the only one that is in this season of transition and knowing that it is time for something new for your life. God's original purpose for us all is to dominate, flourish, multiply, and subdue the earth. God planted the seed in each of us and He simply wants us to obey and walk freely. (Read Genesis 1: 26-31; Galatians 5:1; Psalm 119:45)

Some examples you and I can do to start moving are 1. picking up an old hobby or creating a new one, 2. exercising, 3. investing in myself/yourself (taking self assessments, getting a life coach, or investing in a self development course online). (Read Ephesians 3:12)

What are some ways you can get started on moving?

God wants you to just take the first steps and He will definitely order all your ways. He does not want His child to try to figure everything out. We are not designed to know every detail. He has designed us to be a vessel. He will supply every need and even surpass your wants. (Read Proverbs 3:5-6; Romans 6:22; John 8:36; Psalm 37:4)

On that note, be blessed and get moving :) We are in this together. Let me know some ways you move and if this was encouraging for you. I love you!!!

Side-note: please accept this post as an early Sunday post due to Mother's Day and my birthday :)!!!!! (Oh Yea!!!

xoxo - Dominique


  1. I loved this post sis! I am definitely going to do some self assessments. Do you have any links or suggestions? I think it will be worthwhile. I can't wait for us to get together. I am trying to come up with things for all of us to do this summer. Love you <3.

  2. I love this as once again I am in a season of transition. Anf it's scaring the heck out of me. I know that God orchestrated this so I am taking each step in faith. Thank you for your obedience and heart to share.

    1. Hey Ursula, God is truly amazing and will be with us every step of the way. His word cannot return void. Love you always :)

  3. I love this as once again I am in a season of transition. Anf it's scaring the heck out of me. I know that God orchestrated this so I am taking each step in faith. Thank you for your obedience and heart to share.
